Simple and versatile Convenient daily clean water
ChungHo Water Purifier TOTA S
ChungHo Water Purifier TOTA S
Designed for customer’s convenience
- Compact design for space utilization
- 23cm heights for tumblers or wide pots
- Manual Lever for easy to intake
Suitable for use in offices or business
- Perfect for use in multi-use facilities
- Total 11.2ℓ of Sufficient Tank Capacity
- With new cooling system, 45 Glasses of Water below 10℃(5.4ℓ )
Filtration System
What is SMF Filter?
SMF stands for Super Micro Filtration.(UF filter) This is ChungHo’s newly developed filter with 0.1 ㎛ pores which removes harmful microorganisms such as colon bacillus , etc. but mineral is still remaining.
SMF Version
1st + 2nd Stage Sediment + Pre-carbon
3rd Stage SMF Membrane
4th Stage Post-Carbon